15 benefits of green tea for skin and hair

15 Benefits of Green Tea For Skin and Hair

Green tea is arguably very en-vogue right now and as healthy and trend-heavy as ever. It is now being quaffed in greater and greater quantities in India too. The powerhouse of antioxidants, green tea is a treasure box filled with skin, hair & health benefits. It is often used in many forms to treat skin problems like acne, pimples, unclogging pores, reduce redness & inflammation of the skin, and is also known to slow down ageing. Green tea also helps in improving hair quality and reduces hair loss. 

About Green tea

Green Tea is made from steaming, pan-frying, and drying the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant to avoid too much oxidation from occurring that would turn the leaves pale and change their natural flavour. Green tea is one of nature’s biggest healers for centuries & is backed by scientific study as well.   


Short, tightly rolled, a mix of dark and bright green leaves 


Lime, Tender Grass


Healthful & Delicious 

How is green tea beneficial for your skin?

You might regularly drink a warm cup of green tea in the morning but if you’re not utilizing this natural ingredient topically, it’s about time you make some changes in your beauty routine. 

A less-talked-about evidence-based benefit of this miracle drink is that it helps with skincare and is known to solve most of your beauty woes. 

To get you started we have curated a list of 10 skin benefits: 

  • Treats Acne:Polyphenols in green tea are a useful element for treating bacterial growth that causes acne. It aids in killing systemic bacterial inflammation for smoother, toned skin.
  • Reduces redness and inflammation: Green tea’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce skin irritation, skin redness, and swelling. Applying green tea to your skin comforts minor cuts too.
  • Helps you get a silky-smooth skin: Green tea contains several vitamins which are known to nourish and hydrate the skin.Green tea steam is an excellent way to detoxify your pores and keep you in a naturally glowing complexion.
  • Keeps You Looking Youthful: Green tea contains a strong antioxidant called EGCG and is considered to be a potent anti-ageing ingredient. It plays an important role in maintaining collagen levels for a younger-looking skin structure and firmness.
  • Moisturizes Skin: Natural moisture-rich qualities in green tea help in bringing your skin back in balance for a supple & glowing complexion keeping dry, dull skin at bay. 
  • Protects against Skin Cancer: According to research, drinking and applying green tea topically helps in fighting skin cancer by repairing DNA. Green tea contains polyphenols and a few more different types of catechins, with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate (ECG) having the most power. These compounds have antioxidant properties and can fight free radicals within the body. 
  • Treats Puffy Eyes & Dark Circles: A cool green tea bag compress may reduce puffiness and dark circles. Antioxidant and caffeine properties reduce inflammation and constrict blood vessels. Just soak and chill tea bags and place them over your eyes for 15 minutes for instant results. 
  • Unclogs Pores: Pores are something that almost everybody has on their skin. With effective green tea remedies, you can get rid of them easily. Mix 1 tsp of green tea leaves with water to make a paste. Gently apply it over the affected area and rinse your face after 2-3 minutes. This remedy will deep clean your skin and unclog pores. Note: Always do a patch test on hand before applying it to the face. 
  • Treats Sunburn: The summer season is so harsh and can often scorch your skin leaving you with red patches and a burning sensation. To treat the sunburn quickly brew a cup of green tea and let it cool. Soak a cotton ball in it and slowly dab your face with it. Since the tea is rich in antioxidants, it protects the skin against the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. 
  • Best Exfoliator for soft skin: Not only does green tea help with anti-ageing but the antioxidants present in green tea & its slightly rough texture can help purify your skin by getting rid of dead skin. You can use it as a facial scrub and it will surely leave you feeling fresh, soft & rejuvenating. It also helps in the removal of excess oil and pollutants that our skin contains. 

Hair benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is a miracle cure for all your hair problems. We saw its skin benefits before and it’s no wonder that this beverage is great for hair too. Healthy & luscious hair is a dream of so many out there. Green tea is one natural ingredient that plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair and is thus added to many hair care products these days.

Here are some verified hair benefits of green tea.

  • Prevents hair fall: Loaded with the goodness of catechins, green tea can help in blocking dihydrotestosterone (DTH), which is one of the major causes of hair loss & baldness. According to a study it has been observed that apart from regularly drinking green tea, its usage promotes healthy hair. Consuming green tea daily and using it topically will surely result in shinier hair and less hair fall in 2-3 weeks. 
  • Fights Dandruff: Green tea can act as an excellent rinse to get rid of that pesky flakiness and will help keep your scalp strong and flake-free. Black tea is also a great alternative for fighting dandruff but green tea offers more antioxidants & nutritional properties.
  • Strengthens the root & encourages regrowth:Green tea has growth-stimulating properties like caffeine. The caffeine present in green tea penetrates the hair follicles and encourages growth. Application of green tea on hair will give you a much desired textured, softness and shine. 
  • Destroys parasites in the scalp: Lice in the scalp are called parasites that weaken the roots of the hair and ultimately lead to constant irritation, and hair fall. It’s not easy to diagnose parasites but with the application of green tea in the right quantity, they can easily be destroyed. Wash your scalp with warm green tea to keep parasites out of reach. 
  • Reduces Split-ends: Green tea is loaded with vitamins including vitamin B which helps in reducing hair fall and also in destroying split ends. You can achieve this by drinking and also using it as a hair rinse. Since it’s a natural remedy, it takes time to show results. 
  • Slows down greying of hair: Studies revealed that vitamin B-6, B-12, biotin, vitamin D, or vitamin E deficiency may be responsible for grey hair. However, daily use of green tea can help slow down the growth of grey hair and also give you instant relief from multiple scalp problems. 
  • Improves blood circulation of the scalp: Green tea is a boon for healthy hair and all the credit goes to the caffeine and antioxidants present in the tea. It promotes blood circulation of the scalp and which in turn strengthens your hair roots & activates hair follicles. 

We’re only scratching the surface when it comes to the benefits of green tea. Many such benefits are waiting to be discovered. 

With a powerhouse of vitamins, caffeine, and antioxidants, why would you ever need to use harsh chemicals? 

Check out our range of green teas and add them to your daily health & beauty routine to enjoy good health, immunity, hair, and skin.

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